Available at our Utpali Ayurved Healing Clinic, one of Cary's favorites! Towards the end of Summer, we may tolerate hot temperatures even less than usual just before things cool off. That’s because we are experiencing an accumulation/aggravation of pitta dosha. This is why the ayurvedic rishis recommended that we detox at “ritu sandhi” – the juncture between the two seasons – and balance out our doshas before embarking on the next. Ayurveda offers plenty of solutions to help us cool off. Diet is, of course, number one!
We encourage you to visit our office for a consultation to receive personalized recommendations and support. Correcting imbalances will require different things for everyone's physiology. We must tend to this aspect of our individualized health rather than just apply a band-aid quick fix.
You can try one of our excellent summer creams, SVA Aloe-Vetiver Summer Lotion, created by my teacher, Vaidya Mishra. This is a superb lotion to apply at all times, and it can be used by all body and skin types, whether you are actively exposing yourself to the sun or not. The high solar energy index saturating the environment affects your skin health regardless of whether you are in the shade. You may apply this lotion on your body as well as your face. If you already use a facial cream in the morning, you can use it as usual, and then a few hours later, apply this lotion for added coolness as temperatures rise. Apply liberally on areas of the body directly exposed to the sun.
Excessive internal heat also affects us emotionally, so you can apply the Aloe Vetiver lotion when feeling emotionally heated, frustrated, or overwhelmed. Immediately, you will feel yourself relax and cool down.
Aloe Vetiver Summer Lotion
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