Pictured here is Green Tara~the highest level of the Divine Feminine in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. She is known for her very swift intervention and for helping us to overcome fear. Tara is not separate from nature. In fact, she is a manifestation of Nature's pure Prana~Her potent life-force energy. Green Tara swiftly releaves suffering by stepping into the world with compassionate enlightened action. I taught the meditation practice of Green Tara to Sherry and her students several years ago, and they have faithfully been practicing it at her Center in Colorado since. They can share many stories of the incredible benefits and blessings of invoking the Sacred Feminine in Green Tara's form. So today, inspired by the presence of Tara herself, we have this potent medicinal recipe to share with you.

This is a series to follow up Cary's previous posts on COVID-19: Tips for Self-Care and Redirecting Fear. I've been highlighting VERY SIMPLE veggie recipes in this series so that you will be inspired to focus your self-care towards that which is positive, uplifting, and easy to manage.
In this thread, I'm sharing recipes from several of my Ayurvedic patients and close students, who have been trying to honor the rhythms of nature and have been practicing Meditation with me over the years. They have been learning to live simply and in harmony with nature's laws. As a result, their health has become stronger and their minds are more peaceful, joyful and positive. Please enjoy their wonderful offerings~all are posted in our Midwest Dharma Wheel Website blog.

Today's feature is Sherry's Green Tara Soup. In this veggie recipe we have the added gift of green gram, more widely known as mung beans. Mung Beans fall into the category of 'pulses' and are a staple in Ayurvedic cooking and are used as a medicine for many conditions. Their Sanskrit name is Mudga~meaning "that which brings happiness." Mung beans are sweet in taste and laghu~light to digest and they are ruksha~dry in nature. They are also absorbent and they carry Tara's element of air and mobility, meaning that they have an effect of clearing obstructions in our digestive channels and metabolic pathways. With this medicinal power, they are widely used in our Ayurvedic healing diet. They are good for the eyes, relieve fever, improve our complexion, and nourish the entire physiology giving physical strength. They will also support a healthy daily bowel movement. In Charakra Samhitha, our ancient Ayurvedic Text, it is expressed by the Rishis~the Vedic Sages, that there are many incredible healing effects of mung beans.
You can begin adding them into your rotation of new recipes starting with this simple and delicious recipe. You will notice a difference in how you feel after you eat them!
According to our modern scientific research, studies suggests that mung beans may have several potential health benefits, including:
Antioxidant effects-research shows that several compounds in mung beans demonstrate antioxidant activity.
Antifungal and antimicrobial activity-these include some against the Helicobacter pylori bacteria that causes stomach ulcers.
Anti-inflammatory activity-test tube studies suggest that mung bean extracts may have potential to improve symptoms of inflammatory conditions, such as allergies.
Diabetes-studies suggest mung bean extracts may help lower blood glucose levels.
Hypertension-studies suggest sprout extracts may help lower blood pressure.
Cancer-test tube studies suggest that compounds in mung beans may have antitumor properties.
I often hear that people are uncertain how to use pulses, lentils, etc., because they don't know what to do with them! If you begin with just this simple recipe, you will be greatly empowered with a meal that has immediate effects on your health on so many levels. Give it a try and make it a staple rotation in your diet. Watch, many of your health imbalances will begin to shift as you stay with these simple recipes and nourishing pure foods.
Sherry's Green Tara Soup
2 Tbs Olive Oil
2 Cups chopped Organic Fennel (stems or bulb)
15 oz Whole Mung Beans (Soak them in water overnight or for 3-4 hrs beforehand)
1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
1/4 tsp Cumin powder
1 loose tsp Fennel seeds
½ tsp Thyme
1 Bay leaf
1 inch fresh peeled and chopped Organic Ginger Root (adds digestive & Ama~toxin burning strength. Can leave out if preferred)
5 oz Organic Baby Spinach (can substitute another dark leafy green of choice)
1 bunch of Organic Cilantro
7 Cups Water or Nightshade free Veggie broth/base.

Begin by dry roasting your fennel seeds in a skillet until golden brown.
Add 2 Tbs Olive Oil in your skillet and begin to heat.
Add all the other spices to the warm oil: peeled and chopped ginger root, turmeric, cumin, thyme, and bay leaf-stirring and warming them until aroma of spices is released.
Add soaked whole mung beans. Stir into the spices and oil.
Add seven cups of water or a nightshade free veggie broth.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for around 50 minutes stirring occasionally until mung beans are tender.
Stir in spinach and cook 2 minutes. Remove bay leaf. Cool slightly.
Serve as is or use an immersion blender to puree the soup. You can also blend
or process all or part to smooth it out or just leave it chunky if you like.
Toast the remaining fennel seeds and use to garnish.
Top off with fresh cilantro.
Sherry and I hope that you enjoy her Green Tara Soup graced with Mother Tara's profound healing blessings~

Please feel free to share this page so that many people can benefit~
With Love & Blessings for Radiant Health~
Cary Twomey, D. Ayur 🌿
Just after one of Cary's yearly retreats offered at Spring Creek Yoga-Sherry's Studio in Montrose, CO~her Center is a true sanctuary for healing and she so beautifully embodies the recognition of our True Nature~
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Swaha!