Midwest Dharma Wheel
Contemplative & Healing Arts
Ä€yurveda | Movement | Meditation | Yoga & Pilates | Integrative Counseling
(402) 477-5101

Pilates & Pilates Plus Psyche
Individualized Integration Through Movement & Finding the Ultimate Body-Mind Connection by Adding Psyche
What is Pilates?
Developed over 90 years ago by Joseph H. Pilates, the Pilates Method of movement is a unique system of stretching, strengthening, whole-body movement, and breath. Pilates work is done on the floor on a mat or on specialized equipment that involves the whole body working together as an integrated whole rather than only one part or muscle group at a time. Working with spring resistance and pulleys, the exercises progress in a specific sequence to integrate more excellent movement skills, resulting in a more fully integrated body, mind, breath, and energy. This work not only addresses the physical body but the subtle energetic body as well. With a deeper working knowledge of this aspect of our being, one is able to address the coordination of the more subtle Pranic, energy and breath, dimension of our being. This leads to greater efficiency and integration.

The Pilates exercises and method of integration balances strength, flexibility, and stability, and support the development of long, lean muscle tone, as well as improving both balance and coordination skills. This method increases body awareness, promotes greater efficiency, and creates new pathways for better body mechanics and posture. Both the mat work exercises and equipment use will increase circulation, calm the nervous system, and tone the organs, increasing overall health and a sense of well-being. Pilates is excellent for re-patterning injurious habits and chronic pain, injury prevention, and neuro-muscular education. Pilates is an excellent complement to sports. It strengthens hips, knees, and ankles for running, improves your golf swing, and enhances performance and stamina for all physical activity. It is important to have a well-qualified instructor.

Our Pilates Studio
Our first studio was originally founded when we lived in NYC. We opened in 1998 as NoHo Pilates Studio in downtown Manhattan where it still thrives today. In 2002 Cary and Lee moved back home to Lincoln and opened Haymarket Studio
where they taught for 18 years before opening Midwest Dharma Wheel. Here at MDW, we offer a full-service Pilates studio, which nurtures a broad base and age of clients in the Pilates method for general conditioning, for performance-
specific training, injury prevention, and movement re-patterning. New clients, regardless of prior training, begin with an introductory evaluation session. Goals and an individualized program are established after this session. The program is updated as the client’s needs and skill level change. Training begins one-on-one with the teacher until the client is relatively independent. At the discretion of the teacher, the client can graduate to duet and semi-private sessions while maintaining his/her individualized program. Our referrals come from clients, doctors, yoga teachers, physical and massage therapists, and other studios. The intake process may indicate the need for medical diagnosis or doctor’s consent to establish safe parameters to begin training.
Cary and Lee are both third-generation Pilates teachers. They were trained by the elders of this method and prefer to hold the original intentions and gifts of this method. In this way, they prefer not to hold sessions where several people are lined up on the Pilates Reformer or other Pilates equipment and given group classes. Although this gives a general workout, holding sessions in that way remains superficial and dilutes the original intention of the Pilates work. It also sets people up for possible injury in doing exercises they may not be prepared to do. What makes working on the Pilates equipment so special is that each person can be given individualized training and the full attention of the teacher. Individualized movement sessions that apply to each person's specific needs go much deeper and the results are far greater than one can go in only a group setting. Although you will find group Reformer classes offered in gyms and some Pilates studios we prefer to hold onto the original approach of giving the individual a deeper and more personal experience.

Pilates Plus Psyche~
Learning the Ultimate Mind-Body Connection
Pilates Plus Psyche Sessions
Pilates Plus Psyche Sessions are where we combine both the work with the psyche and a Pilates Session together. These sessions are about addressing your whole person, your whole psyche-conscious and unconscious. This is a working space for us to dive into you and the psyche, not only through conversation but also through the body via movement. There is a structure to the psyche, and our work with it here includes facilitating movement as well as conversation.
In these 1-1 sessions, Pilates Plus Psyche develops organically and spontaneously from where the client is in each session. It grows organically and naturally. These sessions open up the work beyond just movement or just psyche into a greater unifying field of experience, and are an evolution of Cary's 30+ years of training and experience in the Pilates Method, dance training, and movement, combined with her 22+ years of personal work and appreticeship in Jung's methods of working with the psyche with her teacher Mary Bowen.
Contact Cary to inquire or book a session.
Visit our Psyche~Jungian Contemplative Self-Study page for more information and to book a Pilates Plus Psyche session.

Weekly Group Pilates Mat Classes
We also offer ongoing weekly Pilates Mat classes. These are open-level classes and are centered around whoever is in the class that day. Everyone is welcome to attend as long as you do not have any physical injuries or needs that require one-to-one special attention. Your safety and well-being are important to us. In these cases, we will recommend that you come in for a private session or a series of private sessions to accommodate your personal needs and physical situation.
Our mat classes offer integrated strength training, joint range of motion, safe stretching, alignment awareness, dynamic posture exploration, anatomical knowledge, and movement efficiency training. At times we include Theraband work as shown here. We also teach self-care through movement and will draw on our training in other methodologies such as Kinesiology, Laban, or Bartineff Fundamentals. Our teachers have sound and seasoned training in anatomy and injury prevention.
Pilates Mat Class Schedule:
Tuesdays 6-7:15 PM CT Pilates Mat, Open Level
Fridays Noon-1 PM CT Lunch Hour Pilates, Open Level ​
Mats and props are provided
Single Class Drop-In $15
10 Class Card* $105
5 Class Card* $65
Visit the Yoga Page to view our weekly online Yoga class schedule.
*Class cards are valid for all group classes*
All Class cards are valid for three months after purchase, after three months they will expire.
Class cards are non-refundable.

Pilates Mat Class

Pilates with us Can Include:
Rates Available Upon Request
Privates with a weekly attendance commitment or as possible for you.
Semi-Private Sessions with instructor's approval & a weekly attendance commitment.
Rehab Sessions - Prices will vary depending upon the time & frequency of sessions.
Pilates Plus Psyche Sessions-Booked with Cary by appointment.
Our Weekly Group Classes On-Site & On Zoom -Class cards available for purchase on our online Shop.
Private Group Classes - Pricing will be according to group size.
Travel to your location- Prices will vary depending on your location & travel time.
Host a Pilates or Pilates Plus Psyche Workshop-Prices determined according to the size of group & location.
Please note our 24-hour cancellation policy~All appointments will be charged in full for cancellations or changes made in less than 24hrs of your scheduled appointment time.