Midwest Dharma Wheel
Contemplative & Healing Arts
Ä€yurveda | Movement | Meditation | Yoga & Pilates | Integrative Counseling
(402) 477-5101

Jungian Contemplative Self-Study

Archetypal Symbols & Inner Work as a Gateway to the Self
Jungian Contemplative Self-Study has evolved from the multi-dimensional mandala of my work, study, and training of twenty-plus years with Jungian Analysis, Jung's understanding of the psyche, and the individual journey toward Wholeness.
It is also informed by my years of training, study, and consistent practice in the Yogic and Meditation traditions of the East from the young age of fourteen.
I'm passionate about creative inner work and what I feel is a rich offering for the individual in a society where the personal inner world can remain lost to the collective and group process, leaving the exploration and integration of one's own authentic spiritual and inner life unmet. These sessions are a personalized branch of what we offer at our Contemplative Center. You can read more about working with me below~
Archetypal symbols and Dream Study are rich aspects of Jung's legacy that can be explored to find meaning in our own lives. Throughout time, symbols have been a healing and transformative tool for all cultures. Jung's work is noted for bringing forward a greater understanding of symbols, the psyche, and the Unconscious. Jung understood and directly experienced how the Unconscious is always at work attempting to guide us through life. He understood how our collective and personal symbols support the unique development of the individual toward the center of wholeness. Symbols appear in all traditions and are an important aspect of our connection to the healing archetype of the Self, our deep essential abiding nature.
Cary's many years of personal process and training with Jungian Analysis and her exploration and practice in eastern spiritual traditions, where symbols are a vital aspect of inner transformation, have greatly informed her life. This has drawn others to want to share and converse with her in their process of deepening their relationship with the Self that is our wholeness and centralizing totality. Her view and support are inclusive of all traditions east & west. She is available to explore with you.

The Mandala is an archetypal image of Wholeness
which exists in all cultures in different forms.
It represents the trancendent totality,
the Divinity within.

With my Mentor Mary Bowen NYC
Cary Twomey is a 3rd generation Jungian Analyst. She has trained under and was authorized to teach and practice by 2nd generation Jungian Analyst Mary Bowen. Mary trained in Jungian Analytical Psychology over 52 years ago with her analyst Erlo van Waveren and supervisor Ann van Waveren for 20-plus years in New York City; they both trained with and became personal friends with Carl Gustav Jung himself in Zurich, Switzerland. Cary's mentor, Mary, is also a Pilates Elder who studied directly with Joseph & Clara Pilates and has taught Pilates for 45 years, alongside her practice as a Jungian Analyst of over 50 years.
Cary has done over 20 years of Jungian Analysis, physical movement exploration, and analytical Jungian training with Mary on-going over two decades. They developed a very close relationship during which she apprenticed with her several hours weekly, receiving direct training, guidance, supervision, and then complete authorization by Mary Bowen in 2004 to work with, teach, and guide others in Jung's methods of Dream Interpretation, Jung's Typology, and self-study in the alchemical process of Individuation.
Cary has chosen now to work as a Lay Jungian Analyst to incorporate the many aspects of her experience from a base of spiritual mentorship rather than as a psychotherapist. She has shared her experience of Dream Study and creative exploration of symbols and movement with others through that lens for the last 17 yrs. She also holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Dance, which has informed the creative aspect of self-inquiry. She is a Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Practitioner, and Therapist with 28 years of experience and apprenticeship and a Certified Pilates & Yoga teacher of 29 years. She was granted authorization to guide and teach in the meditation traditions of both India and Tibet in 2007.
These sessions with Cary can include conversation and exploration of your dream symbols, typology, and personal meaning, as well as your inner spiritual life. Movement, art, or exploration of how the inner life and the body can find deeper connectivity, ease, and expression can be included. For those that wish to go deeper into your meditation practice, you can inquire about Cary's weekly Meditation and Study Group.
Psyche Plus Movement Sessions~
Learning About the Ultimate Mind-Body Connection
Psyche & Movement sessions are where we combine both the work with the psyche and movement in one session. These sessions are about addressing your whole person, your whole psyche-conscious and unconscious. This is a working space for us to dive into you and the psyche, not only through conversation but also through the body via movement. There is a structure to the psyche, and our work with it here includes facilitating movement as well as conversation.
In these 1-1 sessions, Movement Plus Psyche develops organically and spontaneously from where the client is in each session. It grows organically and naturally. These sessions open up the work beyond just movement or just psyche into a greater unifying field of experience, and are an evolution of Cary's 30+ years of training and experience in dance and movement, along with her 22+ years of training and personal work with Jung's methods of working with the psyche. Scroll down for appointment details.

Book an Appointment
Please note our 24-hour cancellation policy~
All appointments will be charged in full for cancellations or changes
made in less than 24 hrs of your scheduled appointment time.
To Book An Appointment:
Call 402-477-5101
Payment Methods Available:
Cash, Check, or Credit Card